How to earn money on with TIPS

Here is the step by step on how to setup earning on

NOTE: We can only pay users from Philippines. If you are Filipino living in other country, please contact us

Step 1.
Start by signing up to

Step 1

Step 2.
Go to PASTEFLY.COM/EARNINGS and then click Register a new Membership

Step 2

Step 3

Once you sign up, go to your profile and click Earning button
Step 3

Step 4.
Enter your pastefly username shown at the upper right side, Make sure its the same, also case sensitive.
Please note that you can only enter this once, make sure you enter it right.

Click Save then Reload
Step 4


Make sure it looks like this,
The Pastefly username and earning username should be the same.


Go to your Profile then enter your withdrawal details where we can send your earnings.


All done, happy earnings.
If you have any question about pastefly, Message Reshort in facebook.




To earn more and to ensure that every views will count,

Just add more text to your paste. Add atleast 100 words. and also adding title and description will help.


Published on: 6/1/24, 7:24 AM